Saturday, May 28, 2011

Did we just drive past Bradley Cooper?

Things I've learned since leaving film school.

1) Debt sucks, it takes for ever to pay off, and it makes you broke.
2) Minimum wage jobs also suck, especially when you have the affore mentioned debt. (see #1)
3) Nobody gives a shit about reality stars except the people who watch their tv shows. Having had a few of these staged in my presence recently, I can tell you their more scripted than the dramas gracing your screen. Although, the stars are totally just as stupid as they appear.
4) Traffic in LA only sucks, because people here are stupid. No, really, there's totally no problem with the infrastructure. Shocking, I know.
5) Everybody really is an actor, or a writer, or has a friend or a cousin or an uncle who "is totally in the biz".
6) If you call and bitch about your pizza being undercooked, the non-English speaking asshole on the other end of the phone will berate you for trying to rip off his business by demanding a replacement cause he "totally asked the cook, who insists it was cooked properly. Therefore, you lie."
7) People here really do get ahead by kissing ass, I've seen them at it.

Aside from that, I'd say its like everywhere else. Only a little bit sunnier. Which I'm okay with.

Now for something different, anyone get to book three of A Song of Ice and Fire? (A Storm of Swords) I'm like halfway through, and I seriously need to talk to somebody about what is going on!!!! D-:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I've been cheating on you... With another blog.

Sad, but true. While I'd like to think that I'm good enough to blog on two separate websites the initial go getting kinda sucked it outta me. Have no fear, I have returned!
Not that anything super interesting happened while I was gone. I've seen more random celebrities than I could shake a stick at, including most recently David Allen Greir (sp? lol), very odd. Then again, this is LA so I should just get over it. :-p
BTW If you wanna check out my new posts, their up over at a website called ElectroKami . I'm one of a couple people who work on the site, but I think it's pretty sweet. All Tech, Movies, Videogames, Code-writing etc. Good times.

Anyway, I have a new obsession. If you know me at all you should be aware of the fact that I flitter to shiny objects like flies to those fluorescent bug zappers. My recent shiny object is HBO's new series Game of Thrones. 

 It's no secret that I love fantasy. (Especially a well renowned book series called (and sadly, cancelled tv show) The Sword of Truth.) This show however, is sooooo much more. I recommend it even for people who don't get fantasy. The books are even better. I burned through the first one, which clocked in at around 800pgs, in a week.  It's an epic show about Lords and Kings and Bastards, and Usurpers all vying for rule of a country called Westeros. It's got some amazing acting and writing talent, as well as a TON of amazing Shakespearean actors from over in England. Including two newcomers who are becoming two of my favorite actors, Richard Madden and Kit Harrington.
Check it out. That's all I have to say right now. <3