Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie? "

It's either one thing or the other. Tonight, it was a legend of old Hollywood and Modern Cinema. The king of the spaghetti western. The muse of Sergio Leone. The Man with No Name. Dirty Harry himself.
If you haven't caught it yet I don't know what to do with you.

It's come to my attention that I have a proclivity to run into my hero's. Not exactly something to be ashamed of, even when the "run in" only consists of eyes meeting over check out stands at a busy store on a Saturday night.
This Saturday night, I had the awesome fortune to bump into the man himself, Mr. Clint Eastwood. Words cannot explain how much I love this guy, but I'll try. I grew up in a "rustic" area of northern California where cowboys were a common sight, and the cow that lived in the pasture who I called Omar was affectionately called "dinner" by my non-to-tactful father. Western's were a staple of our household and classics such as The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Man With No Name Trilogy, and High Plains Drifter were often viewed and highly adored.
Now past his gunslinging youth, Mr Eastwood continues to wow the World with his stunning Directorial masterpieces (starting in 1971 with Play Misty For Me). Films like Million Dollar Baby, and Grand Torino all of which are critically acclaimed, and rightfully so.
Long story short, I've come to accept the fact that when I decide to frolic off to Whole Food's at 8pm on a Saturday because I'm craving Chocolate Almond Milk, I should listen. Because it allows me to snap hella sketchy cellphone pics of my idols.

"Right turn, Clyde."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's Go Go, Not Cry Cry.

To say that I'm a big fan of Quentin Tarantino is an understatement. I LOVE his movies, I LOVE his writing, I LOVE his sense of humor, I LOVE the movies he produces... It's just an all around love fest.
Needless to say, when I heard that in celebration of his birthday this month Tarantino was hand selecting all the movies scheduled to play at his New Beverly Cinema,  I was very excited. Even more excited when I found out that one of those nights included a triple feature:
Planet Terror, Death Proof, and Machete. Three of my favorite movies, two of which are by the great Robert Rodriguez. (who I also love. And can I just fan girl for a moment to say holy shit is this man attractive.... wow. okay, I'm done. Maybe.)

The new Beverly Cinema is amazing. They have a great line-up of classic movies, they have great priced snacks, ($1 junior mints? Hell yeah.) the seats are pretty comfy, and it's extremely intimate. In a good way. If I was basing my night solely on the fact that I got to sit and watch some epic movies in this great little theater, that alone would have been a solid night. But it gets better.

I met Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. They came to sit in the crowd and enjoy watching their films on screen, and even did a little intro before hand. Quentin also hand selected the old school commercials and trailers that accompanied the film, saying that this is the way the had wanted the movie to be shown in theaters when it was released, and now at their own theater they could force us to watch whatever they wanted. :-p They were really funny, and sooo unbelievably great. I ran over to chat them up during intermission and while I couldn't have made a bigger stuttering/baffoony mess of myself, (including saying some of the most bizarre compliments...) They couldn't have been more personable, gracious and amazing. If you get the chance to meet either of these amazing directors, don't hesitate. You won't regret it. I know I can cross it off of my list of things to do before I die. Although I would love a chance to make a second more coherent impression...

Till next time.

Sunday, March 13, 2011



Talk about amazing. This is a short film that is supposedly going to be released as an Easter Egg on the TRON: LEGACY blu-ray/dvd. (so make sure you watch it before it's removed!) Basically, it bridges the gap between the original 1982 TRON, and TRON: LEGACY, while wrapping up one of the most interactive and amazing viral campaigns ever FLYNN LIVES. You can go back and see everything from the campaign here. The clip also reveals that one of my favorite character's from the original film RAM, or rather his USER, is still up and at 'em. You're going to have to watch it yourself to find out how, I don't do major spoilers. :-p

p.s. Have I mentioned how much I adore Garrett Hedlund?

End Of Line

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two blogs in one day?! What?!

Okay, so in my excitement, I completely forgot about something super-cool I did recently. I got to go and see the original 1982 TRON on glorious 70mm film down at the AERO theater here in Santa Monica. If you think the dvd version of the movie is awesome, you really are missing out. Trust me, I was there once.

This movie was made to be seen on the big screen. You can see details and minutia that you would have never noticed before. The scope of everything is greater, everything is clearer... You really feel like the Grid is a real place, unlike in the dvd version where everything appears almost cartoonish.
I also got to meet the man behind the movie, Steven Lisberger. He is ridiculously chill, and a true embodiment of the seventies. (please excuse the shoddy quality of the pic, my cellphone camera is no bueno) I also met some awesome Tron fans.

Next week I'm going to Quentin Tarantino's theatre, the New Beverly Cinema, to see a Grindhouse Triple Feature. Planet Terror, Death Proof and Machete. Back to back, to back. It's going to be amazing. I'm crossing my fingers that Quentin himself shows up. (or Eli Roth for that matter, since he plays a small role in Planet Terror, lives in LA and is kinda a sucker for these things. I'd like to grill him on when his next movie is coming out. I really don't appreciate having to wait this long... lol) Or I could just ask Quentin about his upcoming Western. If you haven't heard about it, I suggest you look into it. Details are needed, ASAP.

Nevermind the water mark...

Welcome to the beach.
I basically love California. Leaving here was the bane of my existence as a child. Now that I'm back, I can honestly say I feel very at home. It's awesome. I'm also starting to finally get on my feet. I just landed a really neat job at a juice bar down on the Promenade in Santa Monica. It's only 3 blocks to the beach, and the people all seem really great. It's not working in tv/film, but I'm still pretty stoked about it. All I need now is to find a place to move into next month...

Feel free to come and visit me, I don't have an issue playing tour guide. Oh, if you think I'll get tired of posting pictures of the beach/ocean, think again.