Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Whole Bloody Affair

There is one man who shows us again and again why the Hollywood machine is a detriment to Cinema. Quentin Tarantino. He is truly brilliant, and when he delivers a four hour movie complete with an intermission, the studio lucky enough to have that treat land in their laps should sit back and just let it happen.
Last night I had the ultimate privilege of going to my favorite L.A. theater, the Beverly Cinema to see Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair screened in it's entirety. The exact same film reels used at the Cannes Film Festival, complete with French subtitles. It was in a word, GLORIOUS. I owe a slap to whoever made him hack and cut this into two parts. Now don't get me wrong, Kill Bill Vol:1 & 2 are amazing. Up to this point, I really couldn't see how the complete version could have been that much better. I obviously am seriously lacking in imagination.

First of all, it was unrated. No MPA imposed b&w over the slaughter of the Crazy 88's. Which was extended on top of that fact and really, you miss so much of the art and effort put into that scene. There are some magnificent, ridiculously long, shots which follow characters around and switch perspectives all in a seamless movement. The animated origin of O-Ren Ishii is extended and shows some truly brutal carnage.My favorite aspect of seeing this film in it's original form is the fact that while split in two the second film seemed lacking, when released as one film the story and the arc and the plot all moves along perfectly. The structure is perfect, everything is awesome. This really needs to be released on DVD or Blue-Ray so that everyone can experience it.

Also, according to Tarantino, Kill Bill 2 (or 3 depending on how you look at it...) will take place 10 years after the resolution of the original film. Giving B.B. Time to grow and have a normal life. I'm hoping, that she'll be right beside her mother kicking ass, cause that kid had a sadistic side. Who's with me?


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