Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another reason to love Los Angeles:

I suppose in any other era not speaking to someone, or in this case updating a blog, for a week wasn't anything to sneeze at. However in modern times, a week is almost a lifetime. There has been a lot of upheaval in MeaganLand though, so you'll have to bear with me. Things might be settling into a more coherent form of crazy soon.

As for what I've been up to, I found and moved into a new apartment here in LA with a classmate from film school. Which is far nicer than the tumultuous arangments of the past few months. BunnyGate 2011 included. (details if you want em, but suffice it to say I don't understand the appeal of having pet bunny rabbits....)
I ran into critically acclaimed Director David O. Russell, who did such movies as The Fighter, and Three Kings. Who was rather nice, just don't ask me how I feel about his film I Heart Huckabees, because I am not a fan.....

There was also a pre-release screening for a film, which I am unable to technically blog about because I signed legal wavers. :-( Rest assured as soon as the movie actually comes out, you will be the first to know. However, I'm hoping that it gets rescued because the cut that I saw unfinished though it was can't even be classified as a hot mess. It was a disastuh. 

Tonight marks yet another film screening. One that I've been looking forward to for literally YEARS. Back in 2003 (i believe) Quentin Tarantino screened his movie Kill Bill at Cannes. In it's entirety. It was subsequently chopped and re-edited into two parts. Tonight though, I get to witness The Whole Bloody Affair. Tarantino's original cut, with extended animation sequences, and from what I've heard a colored version of the slaughter of the Crazy 88's.

I literally can't wait, I'm so excited.
You may expect my full gushing review soon enough. I might need a while to digest the awesome tonight is sure to bring. Speaking of Tarantino, I was in Hollywood today and went into Amoeba Music. Which is pretty much the best music/dvd store in the city. They happen to have sections dedicated to certain actors or directors in their catalogue and how can seeing something like this not make your day?

I'll leave you with this. One day, I'll have my very own section. Until then, I'll see you around.


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