Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Neither comprehension nor learning can take place in an atmosphere of anxiety." - Rose Kennedy

Since I've been in Los Angeles I've been attempting to get my hands on an internship. It's probably one of the best ways to break into the entertainment industry and trust me, I need all the help I can get. Quite frankly though, I think there is some kind of conspiracy happening.
The first interview I went on, I was asked if I spoke French, Italian, or Manderin. How about none of the above? Then I was sent off to write a free piece of coverage on a script, which I dutifully did. (very well if I do say so myself, even though the script was terrible/disturbing!) I sent it in, and never heard from them again.
My second interview was even more of a disaster. Even after I had supposedly aced it, and was told they would call me to confirm but I should plan on coming in. (did I mention that when I entered the office I was blatantly ignored for a solid 30min even after making my presence known? ) Anyway, they never called so I did, and I got "Oh, yeah. I'll have to check, let me call you back." They didn't, so I did the next day. No answer, no answer, no answer. So I emailed, and got "What was your availability again?" that's it. So I replied in a very nicely formatted email, and I got "Okay, come in Friday 10-6 and we'll work it out then."
So I'm assuming that was my rousing, "We've decided your a good fit for our company and want you to come on as an intern. Welcome to ------ Entertainment!" Not even a hearty handshake. Excuse me if I'm a little wary about waking up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to go down. Especially after my 2 hours parked in their garage during the interview cost me $36 and there is no other legal parking near by! I don't know about you, but I can't afford to work an 8hr day, and pay out $40 plus dollars.

Maybe I'm being down on the industry. After all, I've only been in Los Angeles officially for a week today. I did after all get another call for an interview from a very lovely sounding secretary, who I'm desperately hoping to hear back from so i can leave Captain Wishy-Washy in the dust.

Now for the good things that happened today... I have made some progress on the outline for a re-write on the pilot I'm developing. It's more like a completely new concept, even if it is the same one I've been working with. Hopefully it all turns out well so i can get an Agent, sell my spec, and live the dream. That's not too much to ask is it? Oh well, the thing to remember is that this business, like many, isn't easy. No one should expect it to be. The key is to keep your chin up, and keep on working at it, because one day the door will open and all you have to do is be ready to walk through.


Anna said...

Thanks so much for leaving a sweet comment on my blog! I am so glad that you are finding the information useful! Best of luck diving into the professional world and let me know if I can be of help! Have a great day!

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