Monday, February 7, 2011

“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” - Chuck Palahniuk

So, I've had some really nice things said about the short that I posted. Earlier today I received this one via email, and I thought it was so touching that I had to share.

"I must tell you, that film still has an uncomfortable grip on my mind. The sadness almost overwhelms me. I lost my cousin to cancer last year. We grew up together... went fishing every summer with rods from tree branches and line from butcher’s string... went to Sunday hockey games at the forum, and so much more. With his demise what was once a great childhood history got buried along with his bones. It is as though having lost my partner to this history it became bereft of the wonderful vitality it once had. The memory of those days is now without a trace of color. Your film was a perfect mirror of a wound that is unlikely ever to heal. Healing doesn’t come easily at our age. At least not for me. And I would think not for you either."

I find it sad that the film inspires such sadness, but at the same time, I had hoped that while that might be the case it would still give people hope for the future. To build new memories with new friends. I'm curious how other people feel about the subject.


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