Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's Go Go, Not Cry Cry.

To say that I'm a big fan of Quentin Tarantino is an understatement. I LOVE his movies, I LOVE his writing, I LOVE his sense of humor, I LOVE the movies he produces... It's just an all around love fest.
Needless to say, when I heard that in celebration of his birthday this month Tarantino was hand selecting all the movies scheduled to play at his New Beverly Cinema,  I was very excited. Even more excited when I found out that one of those nights included a triple feature:
Planet Terror, Death Proof, and Machete. Three of my favorite movies, two of which are by the great Robert Rodriguez. (who I also love. And can I just fan girl for a moment to say holy shit is this man attractive.... wow. okay, I'm done. Maybe.)

The new Beverly Cinema is amazing. They have a great line-up of classic movies, they have great priced snacks, ($1 junior mints? Hell yeah.) the seats are pretty comfy, and it's extremely intimate. In a good way. If I was basing my night solely on the fact that I got to sit and watch some epic movies in this great little theater, that alone would have been a solid night. But it gets better.

I met Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. They came to sit in the crowd and enjoy watching their films on screen, and even did a little intro before hand. Quentin also hand selected the old school commercials and trailers that accompanied the film, saying that this is the way the had wanted the movie to be shown in theaters when it was released, and now at their own theater they could force us to watch whatever they wanted. :-p They were really funny, and sooo unbelievably great. I ran over to chat them up during intermission and while I couldn't have made a bigger stuttering/baffoony mess of myself, (including saying some of the most bizarre compliments...) They couldn't have been more personable, gracious and amazing. If you get the chance to meet either of these amazing directors, don't hesitate. You won't regret it. I know I can cross it off of my list of things to do before I die. Although I would love a chance to make a second more coherent impression...

Till next time.


Unknown said...

This has to be the gayest background of any Blog I have ever seen. Way to be a girl, Meagan <3

Meagan said...

LOL. I try, I really do.
Besides, I was trying to design my own but then I got annoyed/my lazyness showed/ I suck at html etc so I stole one from a website. :-p

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