Friday, July 29, 2011

Excuse me Sir, I believe that's my ride.

I didn't die, I'm just havin Summer fun. Or rather, I would if the sun ever came out. Or if I stopped working for a minute. Brb blog readers, life is calling. ^_^

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Did we just drive past Bradley Cooper?

Things I've learned since leaving film school.

1) Debt sucks, it takes for ever to pay off, and it makes you broke.
2) Minimum wage jobs also suck, especially when you have the affore mentioned debt. (see #1)
3) Nobody gives a shit about reality stars except the people who watch their tv shows. Having had a few of these staged in my presence recently, I can tell you their more scripted than the dramas gracing your screen. Although, the stars are totally just as stupid as they appear.
4) Traffic in LA only sucks, because people here are stupid. No, really, there's totally no problem with the infrastructure. Shocking, I know.
5) Everybody really is an actor, or a writer, or has a friend or a cousin or an uncle who "is totally in the biz".
6) If you call and bitch about your pizza being undercooked, the non-English speaking asshole on the other end of the phone will berate you for trying to rip off his business by demanding a replacement cause he "totally asked the cook, who insists it was cooked properly. Therefore, you lie."
7) People here really do get ahead by kissing ass, I've seen them at it.

Aside from that, I'd say its like everywhere else. Only a little bit sunnier. Which I'm okay with.

Now for something different, anyone get to book three of A Song of Ice and Fire? (A Storm of Swords) I'm like halfway through, and I seriously need to talk to somebody about what is going on!!!! D-:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I've been cheating on you... With another blog.

Sad, but true. While I'd like to think that I'm good enough to blog on two separate websites the initial go getting kinda sucked it outta me. Have no fear, I have returned!
Not that anything super interesting happened while I was gone. I've seen more random celebrities than I could shake a stick at, including most recently David Allen Greir (sp? lol), very odd. Then again, this is LA so I should just get over it. :-p
BTW If you wanna check out my new posts, their up over at a website called ElectroKami . I'm one of a couple people who work on the site, but I think it's pretty sweet. All Tech, Movies, Videogames, Code-writing etc. Good times.

Anyway, I have a new obsession. If you know me at all you should be aware of the fact that I flitter to shiny objects like flies to those fluorescent bug zappers. My recent shiny object is HBO's new series Game of Thrones. 

 It's no secret that I love fantasy. (Especially a well renowned book series called (and sadly, cancelled tv show) The Sword of Truth.) This show however, is sooooo much more. I recommend it even for people who don't get fantasy. The books are even better. I burned through the first one, which clocked in at around 800pgs, in a week.  It's an epic show about Lords and Kings and Bastards, and Usurpers all vying for rule of a country called Westeros. It's got some amazing acting and writing talent, as well as a TON of amazing Shakespearean actors from over in England. Including two newcomers who are becoming two of my favorite actors, Richard Madden and Kit Harrington.
Check it out. That's all I have to say right now. <3

Monday, April 18, 2011

Action, Action and a little more Action.

Recently it came to my attention that I haven't exactly been doing as much research as I could for an upcoming script I'm working on. It's an action script, which I'm planning to write, direct and edit. To say this is a massive undertaking would be a massive understatement.
Anyway, I decided to go on an action film extravaganza and indulge in some of the best low-budget/high-budget/blockbuster/hong-kong cinema action movies ever made.  Drawing a blank as one usually does when in search of a movie, I took to the net to dig up some gems. Unfortunately, their top ten lists just don't balance out with what I wanted. There's a lot of fan wank out there, and people seem to be afraid to leave the quintessential films off their lists. In answer to this disaster I present:


*please note that I am liable to change my mind at any moment and for any reason, and these really AREN'T presented in any order. Also, I feel like I should note that I fully understand that there are dozens of glorious films that just didn't make the list.  (also, yes I can count, I'm aware that there are 12 films listed below. Deal with it.)

1) WaSanGo (aka Volcano High) - Tae-Gyun Kim
    One of the greatest Korean movies to ever be dubbed into a comedy by a bunch of rappers and MTV. This movie is a guilty pleasure that I'm definitely not guilty about loving. It has also inspired countless North American shit fests such as my favorite disaster The Covenant, and the horrible Dragon Ball live action film.

2) Police Story - Jackie Chan
    It's all about the stunts. Real people, doing real stupid shit. Nuff said.

3) Hard Boiled - John Woo
    This film changed the way action movies are filmed, and edited. Not to mention it completely re-wrote how action sequences are choreographed. On top of all that, it's hard to not get behind a protagonist who not only successfully smokes with a toothpick in his mouth, but also keeps the same toothpick there until the end of a violent gun fight.

4) Aliens - James Cameron
   It's a well known fact that while Alien is a horror film, James Cameron's Alien is a full on action film. Featuring one of the most magical actors ever, besides Sigourney Weaver that is, Micheal Biehn. Who starred in Terminator, Planet Terror, not to mention a ton of other epic films. Basically, this movie made the list because it's scary, it's an edge of the seat kinda movie. Once it grabs you in the opening scene it never lets go even after the credits are rolling.

5) Sin City - Robert Rodriguez
    This movie is great. Probably the best comic book adaptation ever. Equal props have to be given to Frank Miller who not only wrote, but also inked and colored the graphic novel, because Rodriguez literally took half the shots straight off the page. It goes to show you how a green screen and cgi can make a movie, rather than be the crutch that causes the film to fail.

6) Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair - Quentin Tarantino
    If you thought the parts individually rocked, see my blog below. This will blow your socks off.

7) The French Connection - William Freidkin
   Just go watch this one, you'll get it.

8) Die Hard - John McTiernan
     John McClain has a rough Christmas, Action movies are once again completely re-stylized, and running around bare-foot never seemed like such a bad idea. The Everyman finally wins, and evil English guys are always worse than American ones. I think there's just something sinister about that accent.... ;-)

9) Smokin' Aces - Joe Carnahan
   While not a widely accepted movie and found a little hard to follow,  Joe Carnahan's Smokin' Aces makes the list for it's enginuity, it's originality, and the fact that the new Captain Kirk place the freakiest fucking Nazi skin head since Edward Norton in American History X. Favorite scene? When the elevator doors open, and all hell breaks loose between the different hitman all out to get Buddy Israel.

10) Fist Of Legend - Gordon Chan
     Jet Li vs an entire Dojo.
11) Independence Day - Roland Emmerich
    Will Smith was on fire as far as choosing epic films. Anything that combines Action with attacking aliens is pretty much good in my book. Plus, you cant help but love those epic speeches that make you feel like Aliens planning to destroy your entire race aren't really any match for a bunch of ex-military dudes and a drunk in a crop duster. (see original ending.....)

12) The Karate Kid - Harald Zwart
   I went in about to strangle Jackie Chan for his treachery, and smack Will Smith for destroying my childhood. I left wondering why Daniel-son (wtf...) was such a wuss and how the fuck wax-on wax-off taught him anything when clearly Jacket-on Jacket-off is where it's at.

Honorable mentions go to: Bloodsport, Pitch Black, The Fast and the Furious, The Last Dragon, Anything Jackie Chan, The Transporter, Speed, The Matrix, Indiana Jones (all of em), Commando... and anything else I feel like giving a shout out to, or for that matter forgot to mention....

What makes your list?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Whole Bloody Affair

There is one man who shows us again and again why the Hollywood machine is a detriment to Cinema. Quentin Tarantino. He is truly brilliant, and when he delivers a four hour movie complete with an intermission, the studio lucky enough to have that treat land in their laps should sit back and just let it happen.
Last night I had the ultimate privilege of going to my favorite L.A. theater, the Beverly Cinema to see Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair screened in it's entirety. The exact same film reels used at the Cannes Film Festival, complete with French subtitles. It was in a word, GLORIOUS. I owe a slap to whoever made him hack and cut this into two parts. Now don't get me wrong, Kill Bill Vol:1 & 2 are amazing. Up to this point, I really couldn't see how the complete version could have been that much better. I obviously am seriously lacking in imagination.

First of all, it was unrated. No MPA imposed b&w over the slaughter of the Crazy 88's. Which was extended on top of that fact and really, you miss so much of the art and effort put into that scene. There are some magnificent, ridiculously long, shots which follow characters around and switch perspectives all in a seamless movement. The animated origin of O-Ren Ishii is extended and shows some truly brutal carnage.My favorite aspect of seeing this film in it's original form is the fact that while split in two the second film seemed lacking, when released as one film the story and the arc and the plot all moves along perfectly. The structure is perfect, everything is awesome. This really needs to be released on DVD or Blue-Ray so that everyone can experience it.

Also, according to Tarantino, Kill Bill 2 (or 3 depending on how you look at it...) will take place 10 years after the resolution of the original film. Giving B.B. Time to grow and have a normal life. I'm hoping, that she'll be right beside her mother kicking ass, cause that kid had a sadistic side. Who's with me?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another reason to love Los Angeles:

I suppose in any other era not speaking to someone, or in this case updating a blog, for a week wasn't anything to sneeze at. However in modern times, a week is almost a lifetime. There has been a lot of upheaval in MeaganLand though, so you'll have to bear with me. Things might be settling into a more coherent form of crazy soon.

As for what I've been up to, I found and moved into a new apartment here in LA with a classmate from film school. Which is far nicer than the tumultuous arangments of the past few months. BunnyGate 2011 included. (details if you want em, but suffice it to say I don't understand the appeal of having pet bunny rabbits....)
I ran into critically acclaimed Director David O. Russell, who did such movies as The Fighter, and Three Kings. Who was rather nice, just don't ask me how I feel about his film I Heart Huckabees, because I am not a fan.....

There was also a pre-release screening for a film, which I am unable to technically blog about because I signed legal wavers. :-( Rest assured as soon as the movie actually comes out, you will be the first to know. However, I'm hoping that it gets rescued because the cut that I saw unfinished though it was can't even be classified as a hot mess. It was a disastuh. 

Tonight marks yet another film screening. One that I've been looking forward to for literally YEARS. Back in 2003 (i believe) Quentin Tarantino screened his movie Kill Bill at Cannes. In it's entirety. It was subsequently chopped and re-edited into two parts. Tonight though, I get to witness The Whole Bloody Affair. Tarantino's original cut, with extended animation sequences, and from what I've heard a colored version of the slaughter of the Crazy 88's.

I literally can't wait, I'm so excited.
You may expect my full gushing review soon enough. I might need a while to digest the awesome tonight is sure to bring. Speaking of Tarantino, I was in Hollywood today and went into Amoeba Music. Which is pretty much the best music/dvd store in the city. They happen to have sections dedicated to certain actors or directors in their catalogue and how can seeing something like this not make your day?

I'll leave you with this. One day, I'll have my very own section. Until then, I'll see you around.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

"Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie? "

It's either one thing or the other. Tonight, it was a legend of old Hollywood and Modern Cinema. The king of the spaghetti western. The muse of Sergio Leone. The Man with No Name. Dirty Harry himself.
If you haven't caught it yet I don't know what to do with you.

It's come to my attention that I have a proclivity to run into my hero's. Not exactly something to be ashamed of, even when the "run in" only consists of eyes meeting over check out stands at a busy store on a Saturday night.
This Saturday night, I had the awesome fortune to bump into the man himself, Mr. Clint Eastwood. Words cannot explain how much I love this guy, but I'll try. I grew up in a "rustic" area of northern California where cowboys were a common sight, and the cow that lived in the pasture who I called Omar was affectionately called "dinner" by my non-to-tactful father. Western's were a staple of our household and classics such as The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Man With No Name Trilogy, and High Plains Drifter were often viewed and highly adored.
Now past his gunslinging youth, Mr Eastwood continues to wow the World with his stunning Directorial masterpieces (starting in 1971 with Play Misty For Me). Films like Million Dollar Baby, and Grand Torino all of which are critically acclaimed, and rightfully so.
Long story short, I've come to accept the fact that when I decide to frolic off to Whole Food's at 8pm on a Saturday because I'm craving Chocolate Almond Milk, I should listen. Because it allows me to snap hella sketchy cellphone pics of my idols.

"Right turn, Clyde."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's Go Go, Not Cry Cry.

To say that I'm a big fan of Quentin Tarantino is an understatement. I LOVE his movies, I LOVE his writing, I LOVE his sense of humor, I LOVE the movies he produces... It's just an all around love fest.
Needless to say, when I heard that in celebration of his birthday this month Tarantino was hand selecting all the movies scheduled to play at his New Beverly Cinema,  I was very excited. Even more excited when I found out that one of those nights included a triple feature:
Planet Terror, Death Proof, and Machete. Three of my favorite movies, two of which are by the great Robert Rodriguez. (who I also love. And can I just fan girl for a moment to say holy shit is this man attractive.... wow. okay, I'm done. Maybe.)

The new Beverly Cinema is amazing. They have a great line-up of classic movies, they have great priced snacks, ($1 junior mints? Hell yeah.) the seats are pretty comfy, and it's extremely intimate. In a good way. If I was basing my night solely on the fact that I got to sit and watch some epic movies in this great little theater, that alone would have been a solid night. But it gets better.

I met Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. They came to sit in the crowd and enjoy watching their films on screen, and even did a little intro before hand. Quentin also hand selected the old school commercials and trailers that accompanied the film, saying that this is the way the had wanted the movie to be shown in theaters when it was released, and now at their own theater they could force us to watch whatever they wanted. :-p They were really funny, and sooo unbelievably great. I ran over to chat them up during intermission and while I couldn't have made a bigger stuttering/baffoony mess of myself, (including saying some of the most bizarre compliments...) They couldn't have been more personable, gracious and amazing. If you get the chance to meet either of these amazing directors, don't hesitate. You won't regret it. I know I can cross it off of my list of things to do before I die. Although I would love a chance to make a second more coherent impression...

Till next time.

Sunday, March 13, 2011



Talk about amazing. This is a short film that is supposedly going to be released as an Easter Egg on the TRON: LEGACY blu-ray/dvd. (so make sure you watch it before it's removed!) Basically, it bridges the gap between the original 1982 TRON, and TRON: LEGACY, while wrapping up one of the most interactive and amazing viral campaigns ever FLYNN LIVES. You can go back and see everything from the campaign here. The clip also reveals that one of my favorite character's from the original film RAM, or rather his USER, is still up and at 'em. You're going to have to watch it yourself to find out how, I don't do major spoilers. :-p

p.s. Have I mentioned how much I adore Garrett Hedlund?

End Of Line

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Two blogs in one day?! What?!

Okay, so in my excitement, I completely forgot about something super-cool I did recently. I got to go and see the original 1982 TRON on glorious 70mm film down at the AERO theater here in Santa Monica. If you think the dvd version of the movie is awesome, you really are missing out. Trust me, I was there once.

This movie was made to be seen on the big screen. You can see details and minutia that you would have never noticed before. The scope of everything is greater, everything is clearer... You really feel like the Grid is a real place, unlike in the dvd version where everything appears almost cartoonish.
I also got to meet the man behind the movie, Steven Lisberger. He is ridiculously chill, and a true embodiment of the seventies. (please excuse the shoddy quality of the pic, my cellphone camera is no bueno) I also met some awesome Tron fans.

Next week I'm going to Quentin Tarantino's theatre, the New Beverly Cinema, to see a Grindhouse Triple Feature. Planet Terror, Death Proof and Machete. Back to back, to back. It's going to be amazing. I'm crossing my fingers that Quentin himself shows up. (or Eli Roth for that matter, since he plays a small role in Planet Terror, lives in LA and is kinda a sucker for these things. I'd like to grill him on when his next movie is coming out. I really don't appreciate having to wait this long... lol) Or I could just ask Quentin about his upcoming Western. If you haven't heard about it, I suggest you look into it. Details are needed, ASAP.

Nevermind the water mark...

Welcome to the beach.
I basically love California. Leaving here was the bane of my existence as a child. Now that I'm back, I can honestly say I feel very at home. It's awesome. I'm also starting to finally get on my feet. I just landed a really neat job at a juice bar down on the Promenade in Santa Monica. It's only 3 blocks to the beach, and the people all seem really great. It's not working in tv/film, but I'm still pretty stoked about it. All I need now is to find a place to move into next month...

Feel free to come and visit me, I don't have an issue playing tour guide. Oh, if you think I'll get tired of posting pictures of the beach/ocean, think again. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Neither comprehension nor learning can take place in an atmosphere of anxiety." - Rose Kennedy

Since I've been in Los Angeles I've been attempting to get my hands on an internship. It's probably one of the best ways to break into the entertainment industry and trust me, I need all the help I can get. Quite frankly though, I think there is some kind of conspiracy happening.
The first interview I went on, I was asked if I spoke French, Italian, or Manderin. How about none of the above? Then I was sent off to write a free piece of coverage on a script, which I dutifully did. (very well if I do say so myself, even though the script was terrible/disturbing!) I sent it in, and never heard from them again.
My second interview was even more of a disaster. Even after I had supposedly aced it, and was told they would call me to confirm but I should plan on coming in. (did I mention that when I entered the office I was blatantly ignored for a solid 30min even after making my presence known? ) Anyway, they never called so I did, and I got "Oh, yeah. I'll have to check, let me call you back." They didn't, so I did the next day. No answer, no answer, no answer. So I emailed, and got "What was your availability again?" that's it. So I replied in a very nicely formatted email, and I got "Okay, come in Friday 10-6 and we'll work it out then."
So I'm assuming that was my rousing, "We've decided your a good fit for our company and want you to come on as an intern. Welcome to ------ Entertainment!" Not even a hearty handshake. Excuse me if I'm a little wary about waking up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to go down. Especially after my 2 hours parked in their garage during the interview cost me $36 and there is no other legal parking near by! I don't know about you, but I can't afford to work an 8hr day, and pay out $40 plus dollars.

Maybe I'm being down on the industry. After all, I've only been in Los Angeles officially for a week today. I did after all get another call for an interview from a very lovely sounding secretary, who I'm desperately hoping to hear back from so i can leave Captain Wishy-Washy in the dust.

Now for the good things that happened today... I have made some progress on the outline for a re-write on the pilot I'm developing. It's more like a completely new concept, even if it is the same one I've been working with. Hopefully it all turns out well so i can get an Agent, sell my spec, and live the dream. That's not too much to ask is it? Oh well, the thing to remember is that this business, like many, isn't easy. No one should expect it to be. The key is to keep your chin up, and keep on working at it, because one day the door will open and all you have to do is be ready to walk through.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is." - Jimmy Carter

I read an article on one of my favorite blogs Classy Career Girl about networking. Now, Heaven knows I'm not the most outgoing person, especially when it comes to asking people for things, but this really rang a bell for me. I've never been in a position where I needed other people so much, and not just for their help, but for their experience. I've also developed a complex over the years where I feel bad anytime I ask for help, there's no need for that.
The challenge is to meet up/make contact with with 4 people you know, and 4 people you don't every month in order to expand your network. I've done pretty well so far, I had lunch with two classmates of mine from film school. It was a great opportunity to see how their doing and what actions they are taking to advance their careers, as well as share what I've been up to and get feed back. You never realize how helpful stuff like that really is until your in the thick of it. I'm planning a lunch with another old classmate for next week, and have decided to make a wish list of professionals I'd like to do informal interviews with. I think this is the start of something good. :-)


I'm in L.A. now, I adore this city. It's been really fun driving around and running errands to get the lay of the land. In fact, just this morning I was up in Burbank ordering my very first set of business cards. I feel very professional. lol. I'll have to put pictures up when I get them. I also went to the beach out in Santa Monica with my mom who was visiting. It was a gorgeous day, and I even took a few pictures.

Monday, February 7, 2011

“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” - Chuck Palahniuk

So, I've had some really nice things said about the short that I posted. Earlier today I received this one via email, and I thought it was so touching that I had to share.

"I must tell you, that film still has an uncomfortable grip on my mind. The sadness almost overwhelms me. I lost my cousin to cancer last year. We grew up together... went fishing every summer with rods from tree branches and line from butcher’s string... went to Sunday hockey games at the forum, and so much more. With his demise what was once a great childhood history got buried along with his bones. It is as though having lost my partner to this history it became bereft of the wonderful vitality it once had. The memory of those days is now without a trace of color. Your film was a perfect mirror of a wound that is unlikely ever to heal. Healing doesn’t come easily at our age. At least not for me. And I would think not for you either."

I find it sad that the film inspires such sadness, but at the same time, I had hoped that while that might be the case it would still give people hope for the future. To build new memories with new friends. I'm curious how other people feel about the subject.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hopefully one of many.

Here's a short that I wrote and filmed a couple months ago. Everyone who helped out was amazing, and the director Patti Henderson is fantastic. Huge thanks to Chic and John. Also, major props to Jesse Fraser, who seems to be doing really well acting. ^_^

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I'm not gonna live forever.

I am looking forward to going to bed with views like this:

That's just too perfect for words.
I finally finished something today, first completed bit of writing since school got out. I mean, it was only a coverage sample, and it badly needs to be re-written, but I did it. So excuse me for finally feeling okay. I've been freaking out and unable/unwilling to write lately, I guess I'm just a little scared of failure... But who isn't?

Friday, January 14, 2011

"You love me so much, you want to put me in your pocket, And I should die there smothered" - D.H. Lawrence

I'm scared of failure. What if I can't do everything I imagine I'm able to? What if I don't have the guts to fail 50 times in order to succeed once?

Or is it just the fact that I'm looking at the mountain I have to climb from a distance, instead of being at it's base prepared to take it one step at a time? Once I get there, I know I'll be fine. It's the anticipation that's killing me. :-/

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.--e.e. cummings

One thing I've learned so far searching for a place to live in LA, is that people who place adds on Craigslist aren't really the grammar types. This isn't to say that punctuation is my forte, but I at least know how to spell-check. Do you really think people want some of what you're selling if you can't even be bothered to place a nice add? 
Either way, I'm more than a little nervous about finding a place in LA. Granted, it'll probably be easier once I'm down there... Here's another snag. Before I went off to Canada to spend a year at film school in Vancouver, I sold my car. You can't not have a car in LA, so chalk up yet another ridiculous expense.

I'm really looking forward to getting to LA. It was nice to take a break out here in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nothing but snow and orchards, but I'm ready to get back in the middle of a metropolis. I miss my 33's. It's not the same without having a huge hoard of people to hang out with everyday. Hopefully I can join a new posse when I get to LaLa land, but until then I'll stay hidden.